St Mary's, the Tower and me

St Mary's, the Tower and Me

Our marketing campaign, St Mary's, the Tower and Me, is now live. We hope to bring to life the warmth and affection for St Mary's Church and its tower, felt by the congregation, the local community and across the world. We are inviting members of the congregation, local community and from further afield to share with us their thoughts about St Mary’s and the tower and what it means to them. If you would like to contribute your own message we would be delighted. Please contact

Stan Squires. London, Ontario, Canada

"I have many distinct memories of the tower. I was born and lived just a few hundred yards away from it.  My father and his brother were Fire wardens during WW2, and often told the story of the horrors of the all-night bombing of Coventry (Nov 1940) as they observed wave after wave of bombers throughout the night from the top of the Tower and the horrible results. 

Just 12 years later I was a chorister singing from the same spot at 6am on Ascension Thursday.  A few years later along with my sister and other Backbenchers, we would sell tickets to the Tower climb on Bank Holiday Mondays. I climbed that tower for many years, and the centuries old worn stone steps and turns are burned in my memory. 

As with thousands of others driving to Warwick from any direction, (Banbury, Stratford, Coventry or Birmingham) we always look for the first sight of the tower from miles away, a sight that has stood for centuries. 

May it stand for many, many more."

John Edwards - Campaign Chair, January 2022

"I have lived in Warwick for over 50 years and have always been able to see and admire the tower. To me, St Mary’s Church is an important focal point for the town and I have constantly enjoyed its relaxing feel, its music and the services it provides to the community.

The tower is currently shrouded in scaffold and protective netting and will remain so until funds are raised to make the stonework safe again. It is simply inconceivable to me that the tower, looking like it does today, should remain the face of Warwick forever."

Annie, Bellringer

" To me the church tower is at the heart of Warwick reminding people of our great history and offering reassurance in difficult times that all shall be well. The sound of the bells echoes across the town and is the soundtrack to all major events including church services, weddings, funerals and national and royal events. 

We have a band of 15 ringers and there are four ways of sounding the bells: we ring them full circle in the traditional English style; the clock bells sound the passing of time; the Carillion rings the tunes every three hours during the day and finally we have the Ellacombe, where one person can sound all the bells.

See Annie’s article (link on bellringing at St Mary’s.

Photo Credit: Mandy Roberts

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